Friday 5 February 2016

Jobs In Confiz

Confiz is a full service technology company with a proven track record of producing high performance mobility solutions and portal applications. Through out its history, Confiz has expanded its offerings and capitalized on evolving technology trends to better serve its clients. While a lot of what we do at Confiz is around people and vertical enablement, the real value is in the method we use to get there. With our extensive team, massive technology portfolio, subject matter expertise in verticals, and delivery method, we work with clients to achieve the best fit between technology and their business.

About Us: Please enter some information about your company here.

    • Please list what you need the person to do here.  Try to make these tasks sound as interesting as possible.
    • Only list what’s absolutely necessary here.  Try to keep it to five one-line bullets or less.
Bonus Points
    • Please list your harder requirements and “nice to haves” here.  This section should be keyword-rich – i.e. please include the keywords you anticipate that job seekers will use to search for jobs on job boards.
  • Please list anything that makes working for your company unique or special – i.e. Can people work from home, do you offer special benefits (company car, expense account, stock options, etc).Apply

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